La Grosse Coupe 2018

Event Details
- Saturday, May 19th, 2018 at the Charron Island Disc Golf Course.
- PDGA: This is a PDGA C-tier tournament that will follow PDGA rules and code of conduct.
- PDGA members pay $10 less than non-members on registration.
- Limited registration: 72 players maximum (place reserved upon payment).
- Lunch: Not included and there is nothing nearby, so bring yourself a lunch!
- Ace pot optional 2$
- Registration and players’ meeting will take place near teepad number one between 8:15 am and 9 am.
- Be on time. Lateness will lead to penalties.
- Parking: You must park your vehicle in the wastewater treatment facility’s visitor parking.
- Weather: The tournament takes place regardless of the temperature
- Exception being thunder showers.
- Tournaments may be stalled, delayed in the case of dangerous storms.
- The ADGM is not responsible for weather delays or cancellations.
- Children: Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- In case of a tie for first place, there will be a sudden death extension. In this case, the format will be as follows:
- The Open category will play the 9-10-11-18 baskets in a loop
- All other categories will play the 1-2-3-7-8 baskets in a loop

- Stroke play formula
- Two rounds of 18 baskets (regular Charron layout with house rules)
- Open: Long-long
- Pro Masters 40+ : Long-long
- Advanced: Long-long
- Amateur Masters 40+ : Long-long
- Intermediate: Long-long
- Intermediate Woman: Long-long
- Junior: Short-short
- 8:15-9:00 am: Player registrations
- 9:15 am: Player’s meeting
- 9:30 am: First round shotgun start
- 12:30-1:15 pm: Lunch
- 1:30 pm: Second round shotgun start
- 5:00: Award ceremony
*PDGA refunds policies are in effects